Saturday 31st July
31/07/2010 09:0009.00am - 22nd Annual Flower Show (Sponsor - Lindsay & Co) 10p per exhibit
11.00am Golspie High School - Assembly Hall
(Doors open to competitors)
St Andrews Church - Historic Church open daily
(See posters for details)
10.00am - East Sutherland Arts Society Exhibition Silver Collection
05.00pm Golspie High School - Dining Hall
10.00am - Local Arts & Crafts Display Silver Collection
05.00pm Golspie Hgh School - Gymnasium
11.30am - Flower Show - Judging
02.00pm - Open Snooker Competition £2.00 Entry Fee
British Legion (Opposite Bowling Green)
02.30pm - Flower Show Admission 50p
Doors open to the public
03.00pm - Flower Show
Presentation of prizes
07.00pm - Crowning Ceremony
Golspie High School - Playing Fields
Crowning of the 2010 Gala Queen Emily Melville
and her Attendants Sophie Lapsley and Lara Sutherland,
by last years Queen Lucy Macrae.
Presentation by Isla Mackenzie, Hana Grewcock,
Amber Alderson-Daly and Cody Irving (Golspie Primary School)
Official opening of the 2010 Golspie Gala Week by Mr James Yuill.
Sutherland Schools Pipe Band in attendance.
Also - Jan Trumble Dancers
08.00pm - Quiz Night With "Malky" £1.00 Entry (per person)
GGW Marquee - High School Playing Fields
08.30pm - Live Entertainment In The Caberfeidh Hotel