Monday 2nd August
02/08/2010 10:00St Andrews Church - Historic Church Open Daily Silver Collection
See posters for details
10.00am - East Sutherland Arts Society Exhibition Silver Collection
5.00pm Golspie High School - Dining Hall
10.00am - Local Arts & Crafts Display Silver Collection
5.00pm Golspie High School - Gymnasium
11.00am - Golspie Heritage Society Exhibition Silver Collection
4.00pm Adjacent to Masonic Hall, Station Road
11.00am - Junior Rounders Free
Golspie High School - Playing Fields
Come along and join in
12.00pm - Open Pool Competition £2.00 Entry Fee
Caberfeidh Gotel
For the Gary Stewart Memorial Trophy
(Sponsors - Caberfeidh Hotel)
2.30pm - Youths 5-a-side Football
Golspie High School - Playing Fields
Boys (under 15's) for the Pearl Mackay Trophy
Also, Boys & Girls (under 12's) competitions
2.30pm - Childrens Barbeque Free
GGW Marquee - Golspie High School - Playing Fields
Disco & Games
(Sponsors - G Grant, Butcher)
6.30pm - Car Treasure Hunt £5.00 per car
Start/Finish at "Community Centre"
at rear of Golspie High School
7.30pm - Under 16's Disco Free
9.30pm GGW Marquee - Golspie High School - Playing Fields
8.00pm - Bingo Night
Masonic Hall, Station Road - £50.00 jackpot